Association Montessori Internationale is globally renowned for the quality of its trainers as well as the breadth and depth of its training courses supporting humans at all developmental stages.  We offer training in over 40 countries, have trainers from more than 50 countries and will offer well over 150 Diploma and Certificate courses in 2024.  The Voices of AMI Training Series highlights contributions from our training community giving perspectives on a wide range of issues that are of interest to educators, parents, students and decision makers around the world. 

“One day I came into class holding in my arms a baby four months old. …The silence of the little creature struck me, and I wanted the children to share...
Cosmic Education is Montessori’s plan for children in the second period or plane of development – children from 6-12 years of age. But what is Cosmic Education? Based on observation...
Learning and movement are inseparable in Montessori education. From birth all the way to adulthood, from home environment to a bigger world, movement is involved. The nervous system plays a...
"The age of about two to three years is the most important age of life. All the psychic organs of the personality are formed during this time; all that which...
In The Absorbent Mind Dr. Montessori speaks of “cohesion in the social unit” as she describes the seemingly miraculous process the children were observed to go through. Given the proper...
Generational years are identified groups of people that have lived through similar time periods based on their ages. Their cultures-attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs-are shaped by their social communities during their...
Adolescents occupy a space where they are no longer children but have not yet oriented themselves as adults. Their guiding adults, family members, trusted friends, and teachers must have a...
Cognitive development allows children to gradually acquire knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Day-to-day activities that take place at home and in our Montessori environments significantly help in...
“We often forget that the imagination is a force for the discovery of truth.” Maria Montessori. The emphasis on ”play-based” curricula for early childhood education, contrasting with the reality-based experiences...
Bilingualism/multilingualism is the ability to speak more than one language. It is believed that the bilingual population is greater than that of monolinguals globally. When a child is provided the...
Dr. Montessori tells us in The Four Planes of Education, "I have found that in his development, the child passes through certain phases, each of which has its own particular...
“Tennis, football and the like do not have for their sole purpose the accurate moving of a ball, but they challenge us to acquire a new skill -something lacking before...
Building strong and healthy relationships with toddlers requires a foundation of respect, collaboration, and above all, patience. To guide children effectively, it's essential to convey that we are on their...
In her foundational book The Absorbent Mind, Maria Montessori wrote, “The charm of social life is in the number of different types [of people] that one meets. Nothing is duller...