Each month we invite the Montessori community to pose questions they'd like answered by AMI.  Follow us on Instagram to submit your questions and we'll pick three each month to provide answers and post them here.

How can I best support children with learning and speech difficulties in the classroom?
What are some inclusive approaches to engage both extroverted and quieter children during lessons?
What's a constructive way to guide a child who occasionally takes items from the classroom?
How can we encourage parent participation in elementary Montessori communities?
Can you explain the importance of going out and it being implemented in the curriculum?
What is the best strategy to help a toddler who bites?
How do Montessori schools assess student progress and development?
What makes a Montessori school a Montessori school? What are the most important items?
Will AMI offer a full-time diploma course in online mode?
How can screens be effectively balanced in a Montessori classroom during the current times?
What are the biggest challenges Montessori education faces today?
What steps can be taken when a child has completed the transition but still requires assistance...