AMI Staff

Sandra Allen
Digital Administrator
Reine Alroumhin
EsF Coordinator
Assistant to the Communications and Brand Team Leader
Finance Administrator
Boyd Breukers
Operations Manager
Dimple Chauhan
Regional Programme Coordinator​
Emily Dew
Head of Pedagogy
Amy Hampton
I.T. Support
Fay Hendriksen
Head of Outreach
Anne Kelly
Head of Montessori for Dementia, Disability and Ageing
Lynne Lawrence
Executive Director
Ermelinda Lopez
AMI Household
Chiara Marchetti
Library Assistant
Lucia Mora
Finance Consultant
Linh Nguyen
Regional Programme Coordinator​
Judi Orion
Director of Pedagogy
Alan Preece
Head of Communications and Director of Training Centre Evolution and Growth
Paola Signorelli
Digital Resources Administrator
Eleni Stergiopoulou
Training of Trainers Coordinator​
Chief of Innovation
Nico Vasseur
Chief of Staff
Joke Verheul
Head of Legacy and AMI Managing Editor
 Candice von der Wehl
Partnerships Manager
Cherry Worthington
Chief Financial Advisor