Each month we invite the Montessori community to pose questions they'd like answered by AMI.  Follow us on Instagram to submit your questions and we'll pick three each month to provide answers and post them here.

Why do children under 6 lie or make up stories?
How can one help a 3-year-old develop emotional strength in a Montessori environment while...
How can a Montessori guide encourage a child's natural curiosity and desire to learn about the...
How can you make sure to give yourself time to observe the children while guiding them?
What would you suggest for a beginner starting their new Montessori journey?
How should one manage a regulation that requires a daily nap for all children under the age of 3?
What are the key indicators that help us distinguish between a tantrum and a display of strong will...
When children are using activities as toys, such as carrying items or mixing objects, what approach...
How can we effectively support children who consistently seek validation and attention?
How can teachers facilitate constructive and educational conversations about global conflicts in...
How to work with a 4-5-year-old if they act as a toddler?
Can we introduce grace and courtesy, walking on the line, and silence game, in a big group?