
The Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) understands, articulates and aids the natural development of human beings throughout their lives, enabling them to contribute positively to society, leading to a more harmonious, peaceful and sustainable world through education.


We aim to fulfil the right of children and adults around the world to have access to nurturing, developmentally appropriate, educational environments. We do this by delivering relevant and accessible training, targeted advocacy and intentional innovations that increase the impact and reach of Montessori principles and practice.

To achieve our mission, we collaborate and partner with individuals, communities, governments and organisations who share our vision and the commitment to quality, justice and peace for which AMI is widely known and respected.


As per our Articles of Association, the objectives of the association are to uphold, propagate and further the pedagogical principles and practice formulated by Dr. Maria Montessori for the full development of the human being, specifically by:

  1. Upholding the rights of the child in society, and making known the child’s importance for the progress of civilisation;
  2. Making known the natural laws of growth in order to help the child to develop naturally in the family, school and society;
  3. Awakening public opinion with regard to the moral dignity of the child as ‘the Father of Man’, and to make clear the true nature of adult responsibility toward the child as the worker whose spontaneous activity produces the full-grown man;
  4. Spreading and upholding the pedagogical principles and practice formulated by Dr Maria Montessori, which ensure the independence of the child’s personality through successive stages of growth until he reaches full normal development by means of his own activity;
  5. Providing opportunities wherever possible for children to develop normally, thereby helping all adults to enter into a new life of harmony and co-operation with children; and by thus unifying the two fundamental phases of human life, to lead the way to a higher and more peaceable civilisation;
  6. Functioning as a social movement that will strive to obtain recognition for the rights of the child throughout the world, irrespective of race, religion, political and social beliefs; co-operating with other bodies and organisations which further the development of education, human rights and peace.