Aid to Life Translations

Monday 21st March 2022

AMI is delighted to announce additional translations to the Aid to Life website and resource materials, now available in German and Japanese.

Aid to Life is a parent website resource, founded on the idea that children develop optimally when they are brought up in an environment that supports their natural development, with an adult who understands how to connect them to positive activity and then allows them enough time to grow and develop according to their own pace and rhythm. It aims to give parents clear, simple, straightforward advice in a format that is easy to understand and apply.

We would like to thank Annika Albrecht for her generous time on the German translation.  

We also thank all the work on the Japanese translation, led by Takako Fukatsu, from Friends of AMI NIPPON and including translators Kaori Maruki, Sayuri Sonoda, Kaori Hirotsu and proofreaders Keiko Kono, Hiroko Tanaka and Kaori Hirotsu.

Visit the German language site:

Visit the Japanese language site:
This brings the total number of languages for Aid to Life to 17.  Use the drop down language menu on the top right to see if your language is represented and share this with your local community.

We welcome offers to translate from any AMI trained educator or AMI affiliate or training centre - email [email protected]

Baby staring up at a mobile of coloured balls