Mindful Eating for Our Health and the Health of the Planet

Tuesday 5th September 2023

We are very excited to announce that AMI has recently become a World Class Strategic and Action Partner in the initiative known as Our Planet Our Future!

Inspired by the call from all Faith Leaders and scientists on 4 October 2021, Our Planet Our Future was designed as a new and exciting framework of hope and courage for faith and civil society organisations alike to actively respond to the call. In the next 10 years, Our Planet Our Future intend to mobilize and activate at least 1.5 billion people to take impactful climate action, helping to bend down the carbon curve.  

The Plan of Action

What is now needed is wide ranging inspiration leading to coordinated engagement and urgent action by hundreds of millions of people. Our Planet Our Future aims to achieve all of this through establishing deep collaboration with relevant and action driven leaders in the Climate Movement, both at the grassroots and grasstop levels, mindful of various cultures and regions.

They will curate, filter, catalyse and amplify existing initiatives, as well as new ones on the tipping edge of innovation to create optimal impact for the planet. And they will develop and initiate behavior changing communication campaigns which is where AMI and our global Montessori network can help. 

The Campaign 

Mindful Eating for Our Health and the Health of the Planet. Setting a new narrative for sustainable and healthy food choices, including reduction of the use of plastics and food waste, to have a positive impact on people and the planet. In collaboration with Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, EAT Foundation, Association Montessori Internationale, Foundation for Climate Restoration and many others. 

How can you be involved? 

AMI is calling on their global Montessori network to find out if there are any schools interested in the first campaign on Mindful Eating for our Health and the Health of the Planet. We are looking for 15 Montessori schools across Europe, the US and the Global South to engage in the Mindful Eating Challenge for a 1-year trial period. After assessing outcomes, the Challenge will then proceed with a global roll out, including public and other schools.  

What is the Mindful Eating Challenge? 

During the first year of trial, students of the selected Montessori schools will be empowered with knowledge and skills to transition to healthier and more sustainable dietary behaviour by participating in various rounds of virtual games, physical actions like cooking at school and assignments that ultimately determine will compete in the final of the Mindful Eating Challenge. Measurable goals to determine progress and final outcomes as well as prizes will be developed.


December 2023 – May 2025: Trial phase of the Mindful Eating Challenge, including preparations, involving Montessori and Public schools across the globe.

For more information on the Mindful Eating Challenge and how to get involved, please write to [email protected] 

Mindful eating