Each month we invite the Montessori community to pose questions they'd like answered by AMI.  Follow us on Instagram to submit your questions and we'll pick three each month to provide answers and post them here.

How to support a child who constantly seeks approval about their work and is not confident?
How to show my 3 years old to be gentle with the material?
What can a teacher do when the parents of a child appear too focused on purely academic achievement?
At what age do you start with cosmic education?
Is there a Cosmic Cabinet or do we speak of areas of knowledge, such as astronomy, history,...
Can you provide insight on the prepared adult?
What is important for a first-year guide when implementing Montessori?
Have the colours for the pink tower, brown stair and red rods always been pink, brown, red? Have...
What makes Montessori Montessori?
Is there any facility to get scholarship for the AMI diploma?
With so many different phonic schemes being followed across the globe, which one is the most...
Are there any courses or workshops on helping those with dementia using Montessori materials and...