Eder Cuevas
Eder Cuevas has 20 years of experience in Montessori education and serves as the Executive Director of Montessori México, an AMI-affiliated society. In 2023 Eder became a member of Association Montessori Internationale's board. Additionally, he is the development director at Montessori de Chihuahua. Eder is also an international speaker and advisor on various topics related to Montessori education, including school administration, parents' education, and Montessori sports.
Eder holds an AMI elementary training diploma from Bergamo, Italy, and an AMI-NAMTA orientation certification for adolescents. He studied Education and Physical Education and holds master's degrees in Sport Psychology and Education. Previously, Eder taught at a university in Chihuahua for fifteen years and was a professor at the Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, teaching in the areas of Sports Science, Education, and Psychology. Since 2015, he has participated as a staff member in the AMI-NAMTA Adolescent Orientations in Chihuahua, Hershey and Chicago. He is currently in the process of becoming an AMI Trainer for the Administrators Course.